正文 守望诗刊收录的诗,有英文翻译版,很是感谢

















    who is silent as spring

    who would carry the silence of spring

    before rain. after wind

    as dried river banks, deserted. or surrendered

    moments of days leafed through

    wild fires continue. i recall the hour of dusk

    exhausting history; attempting to burn down the world. today

    has yesterday once more exiled

    when night quiets, you need to be silent

    garlic leaves sun-dried for a winter still allure of green

    ‘tis time to pull back curtains. bring wind in

    wash out embalmed greyness and expectations. scents of rhododendron

    invade my slumbering morn.

    flames dance on a leaf’s petal. all was warmth

    all was silence










